Let's talk about the past, present, and future, shall we?

It has been four years since I first started development of this game on February 2nd, 2020. Of game development, this is the longest I've ever worked on something. It's unfortunate that my progress is slower than what it was back in 2015-2017 since my first fighting game was Xicon Exedra Roblox: Battle. Though the game's development ended and resulted in the game being incomplete, there were 22 characters and 39 stages made with a 23rd character in development. This game is no longer available for download as I moved on to Exedra Chao: Combat three years later. It's been four years now and there are only 14 Chao and 24 stages available.

So, where are we at now? Here's the most recent trailer to let you all know what's to come:

What about the future? Well, it's not looking bright. Development is so slow as my motivation is weaker. I'm trying to find a workaround, but my mental disabilities are too much to do this with ease. I planned on having Trailer #8 out by April 29th, but that doesn't seem likely. This means that the latest I can accept is May 15th.

Version 3.0 is planned to be released in Late June. I was hoping to have it out before then, but I can't imagine it anymore. I can't tell what is going to happen, but if it's not what I'm hoping for, then Version 3.0 will be the same as 1.0 and 2.0. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Get Exedra Chao: Combat

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